Londa Schiebinger, the historian who denies science

Is his research topic so important? Londa Schiebinger does not hesitate to take her visitor to witness. "Can you describe the symptoms of a heart attack? Benedict is answered in the affirmative: pain in the chest and along the left arm is the main warning sign of myocardial infarction.

Smile amused by the American science historian, who is receiving in her home, in the heart of a wealthy neighborhood backed by the campus of Stanford University, where she teaches. "You're right, but these are the most common signs in men, not women ," she says. These will show different signs, such as abdominal pain or stomach pain, a feeling of discomfort and intense fatigue ... "

Save lives

Born in 1952, the Director of the Gendered Innovations Project for Science, Medicine and Engineering, hosted by the prestigious University of California, has been exploring the relationship between scientific production and gender for several decades. And, in particular, the close links between medical knowledge and gender - one of its main themes of research and reflection. It's also a commitment.


This American researcher explores the links between scientific articles and the gender of their authors. Works that suggest that the presence of women in research teams influences the quality and effectiveness of results.

Tina Berning