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Anne Ladyem McDivitt
Academic Technology Specialist
PhD, History, George Mason University
MA, History, University of Central Florida
BA, History, University of Central Florida

I am the Academic Technology Specialist for the Department of History at Stanford, and I specialize in digital storytelling. I am also part of the Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research (CIDR). I have a PhD in history with minor fields in digital history and 20th century US History. I also have an MA in history with a focus on public history. Before coming to Stanford, I was the Digital Humanities Librarian at the University of Alabama, a curatorial intern at the National Air and Space Museum in DC in 2017, and a Digital History Fellow at the Center for History and New Media in 2013-2015. My personal research focuses on the history of the video game industry with a focus on gender, as well as video game studies.
(650) 670-5503
ladyem [at]