Emre Can Daglioglu
Emre Can Daglioglu is a Ph.D. candidate specializing in the political economy of the 19th- and 20th-century Middle East. His research centers on the Ottoman Public Debt Administration (OPDA), an international financial institution established by European powers in 1881 to manage the Ottoman Empire's defaulted foreign debt. His dissertation examines the financial, political, local, and environmental dimensions of silk production and commodification, exploring how the OPDA transformed capitalism, the socio-ecological landscape, and governance within the empire from 1881 until the outbreak of World War I.
Prior to his doctoral studies, Emre received his master's degree from the University of Exeter and completed a graduate program at the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University. In addition to publishing articles and book chapters on marginalized groups in Turkey and socialism in the mid-20th century Middle East, he edited the book Arapların 1915'i: Soykırım, Kimlik, Coğrafya (in Turkish) [Arabs' 1915: Genocide, Identity, Geography], published by İletişim Yayınları in 2021. He is also the co-editor of Nehna, an online platform dedicated to Arab Christians in Turkey and cultural diversity in Antioch and its surroundings.