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Herodotus - Volume XXV - Spring 2015

Herodotus - Volume XXV - Spring 2015

In this Issue:

Benjamin Mercer-Golden, From the Bushes to the Bedroom: Reframing Rape at Stanford University, 1958-1992
Introduction by Estelle Freedman, Edgar E. Robinson Professor in United States History

Valerie Stevens, A Love Triangle: Race, Sexuality, and Leprosy on Molokai
Introduction by Estelle Freedman, Edgar E. Robinson Professor in United States History

Daniel Ruprecht, To Pass a Test: The Imbalance Between the Early Ming Emperors and the Scholar-Gentry of Late Medieval China
Introduction by Laura Stokes, Associate Professor of History

Arielle Sison, Veronica Franco and the ‘Cortigiane Oneste’: Attaining Power through Prostitution in Sixteenth-Century Venice
Introduction by Jessica Riskin, Associate Professor of History of Science

Olivia Wong, Could a Black Female Communist Get a Fair Trial in Cold War America? The Role of Identity Politics in the 1972 Angela Davis Trial
Introduction by Estelle Freedman, Edgar E. Robinson Professor in United States History