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Herodotus - Volume XXVII - Spring 2017

Herodotus - Volume XXVII - Spring 2017
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In this Issue:

Nathan Hausman, Palestinian Resistance to Iraq’s Occupation of Kuwait: A Reconsideratin of Palestinian Collaboration with the Ba'th Party
Introduction by Keith M. Baker, Professor of Early Modern European History and, by courtesy, of French and Italian; and Ian P. Beacock, PhD. Candidate

Lauren Killingsworth, Mapping Public Health in Nineteenth-Century
Introduction by the Herodotus Editorial Board

Elliot Kaufman, Setting Cruelty Aside: Investigating the Original Meaning of "Unusual" in the Cruel and unusual Punishments Clause
Introduction by Jonathan Gienapp, Assistant Professor of History

Habib Olapade, Janus Guards the Styx: The Role of State and Federal Debt, Land, and Tax Jury Trials in Early Republican Virginia and Kentucky From 1789-1816
Introduction by Jack Rakove, Professor of History, Political Science and, by courtesy, Law

Matthew Wigler, The Making of an American Founder: Charles Carroll of Carrollton and Revolutionary Religious Toleration 
Introduction by the Herodotus Editorial Board

Lilia Popova, Tempering God’s Wrath in the Ideal City
Introduction by Fiona Griffiths,  Professor of History of Medieval Europe