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Herodotus XXXIV - Spring 2024

Stanford University

Kevin Khadavi, The Caged Bird Sings: A Source Analysis of the 701 BCE Assyrian Failure to Capture Jerusalem

Lindsay Wu, Japan’s Choice of a Southern Strategy in World War II: American Deterrence, the China Problem, and the Oil Imperative

Becca De Los Santos, Inversion of the Top-Down Operation: Enslaved Voices and French Abolitionism in 1840s Senegal

Ines Salter Martin, Unveiling Gisela: Reconsidering the Life and Myths of Charlemagne’s Sister

Arvind Asokan, Nixon, Kissinger, and the Bangladesh Genocide: Balancing Diplomatic Priorities against Moral Considerations

Felipe Jafet, The American Civil War and Reconstruction Through the Eyes of Brazil: A Model

Eric Areklett, Pillars of the Revolution: Union, Liberty, and Popular Sovereignty Debated during Ratification

Anna Pikarska, Blind Fighting: Totalitarianism and the Dehumanization of Warfare