Support from our alumni and friends helps ensure our continued leadership in the field and also enriches teaching, learning, and research at Stanford about the United States and the world.

Why support History?
Our faculty teach Stanford students how to find and evaluate various forms of evidence, how to convert their findings into a persuasive analysis, and how to make sense of the past to promote a better future in the United States and across the globe. Together, our faculty and students research the connections between past and present by sifting through the diverse influences and perspectives that affect the course of events.
Your gift
- Equips the next generation of scholars through courses, academic events, and research opportunities.
- Funds opportunities for our students to conduct research, study languages, and pursue internships across the globe.
- Supports innovative faculty research and scholarship.
- Develops new initiatives to enhance History at Stanford
Giving Opportunities
Your gift may support our general operations or may be designated to support your choice of specific projects. Currently, we are seeking support for the following projects:
- General Operations Support sustains our operational excellence while addressing general administrative needs. Some examples include hiring and retaining highly-qualified staff members, implementing innovative space and infrastructure management, fostering community building initiatives, and supporting needs related to teaching and research activities.
- Historical Innovations in Research & Learning Fund supports workshops, reading groups, lectures, and seminars organized by History faculty and graduate students. Bringing prominent scholars in conversation with the campus community, these activities fuel impactful, informed conversations across academic years and across Stanford units. A complete list of current learning series is listed at this link.
- Undergraduate Teaching Fund offers innovative courses in order to bolster a burgeoning subfield or to sustain curricular continuity in cases of a faculty member's sabbatical leave in a given academic year. A complete list of current courses is available at this link.
- History Graduate Student Fellowships supports PhD students to pursue a world-class training and become the next generation of scholars in the field. Current graduate students' profiles are listed here. More information about the anticipated impact and giving options is available here.
- Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowships support promising young scholars on a 2-year appointment to offer two courses per academic year, conduct research, and produce at least one peer-reviewed publication during their Stanford residency. An interview with one of our postdoctoral fellow is available at this link.
- Undergraduate Internship and Research Fund supports active Stanford undergraduate students who are pursuing a degree or research in History. Funds can be used toward honors thesis research, conference travel, summer internships. Reflections from the most recent recipients are available at this link.
- Undergraduate Research Assistants Program recruits Stanford undergraduate research assistants to work on a faculty-led research project during the Winter and Spring quarters. Current projects and further program details are available at this link.
- British History Programming & Student Research Funds will enhance the existing efforts in the British History field by supporting graduate & undergraduate research travel and internships, organizing public lectures, and sponsoring community building activities . A list of past and upcoming outreach events is listed at this link.
Ways to Give
Your gift is tax-deductible under applicable rules. As a unit of Stanford University, the Department of History qualifies for tax-exempt status under Section 501 (c)(3).
- You can choose to make a one-time or recurring gift. You can also make a pledge and choose a flexible giving plan that works best for you.
- Your gift may be matched by your employer. To find out more, please click here .
- Gifts can be made in memory or in honor of someone special to you such as a History department faculty member or a family member who supported your education.
- You can make an endowment gift to generate a stable, steady funding stream in perpetuity. Endowment gifts provide naming opportunities and may be matched.
- You can make a bequest by designating our department as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, IRA, or other retirement plan, or by means of a “life income gift” that can provide you with current tax savings as well as an income for life.
To make a secure credit card payment, please click this MAKE A GIFT button, choose to direct your gift to School of Humanities & Sciences - Other Designation, and write History Department in the space labelled Other.
You can also make a check out to Stanford University and mail it to us at The Department of History, 450 Jane Stanford Way, Lane History Corner (Bldg. 200), Room 113, Stanford, CA 94305-2024 USA.
For further information, please contact our Director of Finance & Operations Dr. Burçak Keskin-Kozat at burcak [at] (burcak[at]stanford[dot]edu).
To discuss gifts above $25,000, please contact H&S Associate Director of Development Programs Tamar Sofer-Geri at tamars [at] (tamars[at]stanford[dot]edu) or 650 464 4236.
Department Bookshelf
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