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Colin Hamill

Events & Communications Coordinator

Photo: Mariana Calvo

Colin started working at Stanford in 2018 for The Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies & The Mediterranean Studies Forum and joined the Department of History in 2022. Prior to joining Stanford, he worked for various campuses in the UC system and is a former Anteater from the University of California, Irvine. Colin's background is in International Studies & History, primarily focused on North Africa and the Middle East. He enjoys event programming and using his lingual, historical, and cultural knowledge to teach and mentor young adults in the fields of international relations, history, and conflict mediation/resolution.

He has language training in ASL & Arabic, certification in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion through Cornell University, and is an avid soccer enthusiast. He also enjoys running, traveling, reading, writing, archery, and astronomy.


(650) 498-5274
Bldg 200, Rm. 113